Group Builds

The club holds a number of group builds throughout the year.

Western Front 1914-1918

Any subject taking part in the Western Front of the First World War.

Chosen by Tony Ghirardi, winner of the previous Winter Group Build, Vietnam.

End date: September 3rd 2024 club night
Pacific War 1945

For the 80th anniversary of the end of the war, this group build will focus on any subject involved in the war in the Pacific in 1945.

Chosen by Tom Heywood, winner of the previous Spring Group Build, Special Forces.

End date: March 4th 2025 club night

Any civilian or non-military subject - vehicle, aircraft, ship etc.

Chosen by Paul Smith, winner of the previous Summer Group Build, 'What If?'.

End date: June 3rd 2025 club night
View past group builds / member galleries
Group builds offer club members the chance to choose a subject that they might not usually partake in, or dig through the stash for a kit that's been waiting for a golden opportunity, and then share the process of their build with the rest of the club or offer useful help and suggestions to others. Members should pick one subject (either kit or diorama) per group build and then let the rest of the club know when they start building it.

Members are encouraged to share the progress of their builds either on the AMS Facebook group, on Zoom build nights, or at monthly club nights, throughout the duration of the group build and prior to the end date and competition. Entry into the competition is not mandatory!